Refund Policy

Do you have a returns policy?

✔︎ Yes! We are extremely confident that you will love WellGroomed. However if you do not find WellGroomed suitable for you we do offer a 30-day returns policy.

The product being returned must be in an good condition and returned along with the storage bag that it arrives in. You will also be responsible for the shipping and handling costs (~ $10 WellGroomed)  to return the product.

If your return item arrives without the box it came in or is deemed unfit by our inspection team for any reason we reserve the right to deny your refund.

If you need to return your WellGroomed please email our team at with your order name and number, as well as the reason why you would like to return your WellGroomed 

Our Customer Service Team will then ask few mandatory questions regarding your return in order to for us to avoid people taking advantage of our system.

Once the product has been purchased and shipping, customers must go through the return process to receive a refund.

Do you have a warranty policy?

Yes, we offer a generous warranty policy. If there are any issues with the product. Please send us a video at showing the product damage at the time of delivery. Do not submit a chargeback to eligible for the warranty. If you wish to refund the product, you must go through the returns process and not submit a charge back